5 Ways to Promote Baby Development

27mar 2017
It is thus important that as a caring parent you do the needful to promote healthy baby development so that the baby grows up smart and healthy.

Did you know that the development in babies commences well before the baby is even born? The baby does not only grow in size inside the mother’s womb, but a number of systems begin to develop right from the first week of gestation. It is thus important that as a caring parent you do the needful to promote healthy baby development so that the baby grows up smart and healthy.

Acquainting the baby with the environment

Once the baby is about two to three months olds, he would try to explore the environment around him. To facilitate that, you should expose him to different odors and various sights. At the same time, you should also let him feel a number of different surfaces so the senses get excited and motor skills to get developed.

Talk to the baby frequently

When the babies grow 4 to 5 months old, you need to start working on their language skills. Obviously you will not make her sit in the English grammar classes, but this is the time when she should start becoming familiar with languages. Talking to her directly by taking her name or narrating whatever you are doing around her will not only help her language but her communication skills as well. You need not try complex verbiages. Try simple things like calling out whatever you are doing – “now I am feeding my little baby” or “Now I am putting my little baby in the pram” are things that will really boost the process of baby development.

Introducing them to toys

As the baby turns 6 months, their motor skills would have developed enough to let them hold and grasp things. This is the time when you should introduce them to interactive toys. This is a very important baby development tip. Using toys that move around or roll will stimulate the baby’s movement and encourage them to chase the toys. Also, colorful and musical toys are great for entertainment purpose of the babies as well.

Shut down the computer or the TV

If you thought that making your baby sit in front of the TV or computer videos would help in baby development, you may want to revisit the thought again. It is always good for the development of babies that they get prompt feedback about what they are saying or what they are doing. If the baby sees something on the TV screen and reacts to that, he would expect a counter reaction from the character in the TV. Obviously he would not get that and that would actually hamper the development process. It is thus wise to turn the TV off and spend more time with the baby in person.

TV or computers cartoons can be introduced when the baby would learn that these are pre-recorded things and that will not happen before 3-4 years of age.

Breast milk is the best

The best way to trigger a healthy development in the baby’s physical properties is to feed them with breast milk. That will ensure that the baby gets the right nutrition that is required at this age. Formula foods may be a quicker option to feed infants and babies but they can cause digestive disorders and weaken the immune system of the baby.


The writer is an expert in the field of baby development. For more information contact BabyPillars.com.

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