Help your baby in her first steps- Crawling

30oct 2017
Most babies crawled in 7 to 10 months old. Some start early, while others start later.

Crawling is one of the first steps in your child's independent journey, so many parents all want to know "when the baby crawls?" Once she climbed her, she could explore the surrounding world and rely on you to pick her up

When will the baby crawl?

Most babies crawled in 7 to 10 months old. Some start early, while others start later. Some babies completely skip the crawling stage pull up their own by the help holding furniture directly. Some babies choose the bottom of the shuffle, scrolling or sliding over the army commando-style through the room, not all babies crawling in the same way. Some babies seem to learn to spend the night, but in most cases need some practice. You should expect your baby to crawl happily on her first birthday.

Spending less time in their belly means that some babies need longer time to develop their body strength.
There are some things you can do to help your baby:
