Higher Need Of Feeds For Babies During Infant Growth Spurts

26apr 2017
It is because the baby is possibly undergoing the period of infant growth spurts. Every baby undergoes the infant growth spurts and the intake of feed increases.

Is the baby hungrier than usual? Many of the mothers unfamiliar with the growth spurts of babies may wonder at the unusual behavior of the babies. Despite longer and frequent feeds, the baby may still feel hungry and cry. Also, some behavioral changes in babies such as long and frequent naps etc. may be visible. Well, there is nothing wrong with the baby and there is nothing to worry about. It is because the baby is possibly undergoing the period of infant growth spurts. Every baby undergoes the infant growth spurts and the intake of feed increases. This is, in fact, a very important period for babies and the required response and attention from mothers can duly contribute to baby’s holistic growth.

Periods for infant growth spurts

When do the infant growth spurts occur? Truly speaking, it does not have a fixed time. Again, the time differs from infant to infant. However, there are some most common periods. The first infant growth spurt may be when the baby is 7 to 10 days’ old. Again, the infant growth spurts may occur when the baby is of 2 to 3 weeks, 4 to 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 and 9 months. These are not the fixed time for all the babies, but it is observed in most babies. Moreover, the growth spurts do not come to a halt after a year. It continues even through the teenage years. In most babies, the growth spurt lasts for 2 to 3 days; however, sometimes, it may last for a week or so.

Handling growth spurts

For rightly facilitating the growth of the babies, it is highly significant for the mothers to handle these infant growth spurts. Many of the breastfeeding mothers may worry that they may not be able to produce sufficient milk for the baby. But that is not the case. There is no need to worry. The body of a healthy mother would duly and naturally respond to the baby’s needs and spontaneously produce sufficient milk. What a mother requires is to just follow the baby’s lead and the body will automatically produce more milk to satisfy the baby.

Avoid supplementing

Some of the breastfeeding mothers may think of supplementing the need of more milk by with expressed or formula milk when the baby is undergoing infant growth spurts. Well, that is not required and mothers should avoid doing so. This will create interference in and natural supply. Also, the demand of milk production in the mother’s body may adversely get affected.

Mother’s health

For the ideal growth of a baby, and particularly that of the breastfed baby, it is essential that the mother remains healthy. Consuming nutritious and healthy food for mother is required. Again, during the infant growth spurts, the milk consumption of the baby increases and it is highly essential for a breastfeeding mother to be healthy. The ill health of the mother during the growth spurt would adversely affect the overall growth of the baby. The mothers, therefore, need to take care of their health as the health of the babies is entirely dependent upon the health of their mothers.


The writer is an expert in the field of baby Infant Growth Spurts. For more information contact BabyPillars.com.

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